News Double Downer – Two Iconic West Coast Breweries Close

Two longtime and well-known West Coast breweries have closed. It is the latest discouraging news in what may be an acceleration of closures across the industry.

The first craft brewery in Los Angeles in the modern age, Eagle Rock Brewery, announced on their social media outlet that they were closing at the end of the month.

“Well friends, the time has come for us to hang up our hats and say farewell. It feels strange to say these words after nearly 15 years of operations, but we know in our hearts it is time,” the brewery posted.

Meanwhile, 1,000 miles to the north in Portland, Cascade Brewing, a pioneer in the sour ale movement announced that they were ceasing operations. The brewery was founded by craft brewing pioneer Art Larrance who just recently passed away.

Eagle Rock was founded in 2009 by Jeremy Raub and his wife Ting Su along with Jeremy’s father Steven Raub. It was the first brewery to open in the region in over 60s years and helped initiate other craft breweries to open soon after. Los Angeles now supports close to 100 breweries.

The brewery did not give any specific reason for closing, but their social media post indicated that changing consumer habits and the evolving craft beer industry was part of the reason and gave encouraging words to the new generation.

“The community of good beer in LA has grown far beyond our humble, early goals. And just as beer itself is alive and continuously evolving, so too is Beer Culture. We are grateful to have contributed to that evolution, but we also recognize our role in it. We have given our all to this effort, and now we must step aside to make room for the next generation of brewers with new energy, new ideas, and new contributions. The future of beer is in their hands as much as it is in your hands, friends. We pass this torch so that you may keep that future shining bright!”

Cascade Brewing, often referred to as the “House of Sour,” was first opened in 1998 as Raccoon Lodge & Brewpub and then evolved into one of the first pioneers in the Northwest-style sour beer movement.

The future of the brewery is unknown as Larrance still had partial ownership in the brewery which has passed to a family trust upon his death. Family members indicated the trust was not able to support the brewery.

More of the Cascades closure from The New School here.

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