The Association of Brewers announced Friday the appointment of industry veteran Jim Parker to the Editor-in-Chief position for the organization’s two magazines, Zymurgy and The New Brewer.
“We are excited to have Jim back at the Association of Brewers,” said Paul Gatza, Director of the Association of Brewers. “Jim’s experience over the past fifteen years, and especially his work for the Oregon Brewers Guild, will bring a high degree of brewing and industry knowledge to the magazines and the organization as a whole.”
Parker has served as Executive Director of the Oregon Brewers Guild for four years. Recently, Parker was awarded the Brewers’ Association of America’s Defense of the Small Brewing Industry Award for his work in a coalition to defeat an unfair tax proposal in Oregon. Parker will remain with the Oregon Brewers Guild in a capacity that reduces his administrative responsibilities.
Parker’s background includes publishing Rocky Mountain Brews in the first half of the 1990s and working for six different newspapers throughout the western United States. In the 1990s Parker also served as administrator for the Association of Brewers (formerly known as Institute for Brewing Studies) and director of the American Homebrewers Association. He has served as head brewer and general manager in two breweries and owned the beloved Mountain Tap Tavern in Fort Collins Colo. Parker will continue to live in Gresham, Ore. and primarily telecommute.
Parker can be reached by email at