News Ball Corp. Postpones Minimum Order Requirement

In a dramatic turn of events, Ball Corporation has said that they will temporarily postpone the minimum order requirements that they had implemented on craft breweries last late last year.

Last November, Ball Corporation notified their customers that the minimum order would be moved to five truckloads per SKU for printed cans for non-contracted customers. In addition, Ball said that they would no longer warehouse inventory on behalf of customers.

The Brewers Association issued a statement notifying their members and the industry that โ€œBall will postpone until March 1, 2022 the implementation of their minimum order requirements for customers that do not have supply contracts with the company, with the caveat that they will not be able to provide those customers with delivery date assurances. Ball also stated that they are open to further engaging with brewers on the distributor supply option to offer additional sources of aluminum beverage packaging.โ€

The statement noted that at the end of December, โ€œChairman of the Senate Finance Committee Ron Wyden (Democrat-Oregon), sent a letter to Ball Corporation asking that, among other things, Ball consider a delay of implementation on direct orders from non-contracted customers.โ€

See the full BA statement here.

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