Fully Automated QTS 20bbl 3 vessel brewhouse with 60bbl HLT and CLT (200k OBO) ( $200,000 )
Used Product Ad posted 4 weeks ago in Brewhouse or Brewing Systems by Jackson Borgardt
We bought a brand new brewhouse that was installed last fall and are selling this awesome brewhouse. It is already broken down and ready to be shipped. The man that installed the system also broke it down and everything is labeled for easy install. I can put you in contact with him as he can help ship it out and install it as well.
2020 QTS 3 vessel 20bbl fully automated brewhouse with a 60bbl CLT and HLT. spent grain auger with automated knife gate. Strike water temperature is fully automated by blending CLT and HLT water to hit set point. CIP is done automatically as long as chemical is dosed in the man way.ย Remote capability and can be operated with a tablet on an app. Automation is done by Stone technologies who can remote in and aid in any issues as well as do any sort of custom programming to the system to fit your individual needs. Brewhouse designed to be able to run as traditional 3 vessel or you can leap frog between both kettles depending on preference and brew day. We could do 3 turns between 10 and 12hrs depending on the style of the beer. Also designed for long boil stouts allowing to still brew on other kettle or kettle sours can be knocked out from kettle 1 into kettle 2 and cooled through heat exchanger to be able to pitch lactobacillus. Please reach out for any additional information.
Brewhouse includes
- 20bbl mash mixer/lauter tun
- Automated wort grant
- Automated strike temp control
- Wort station on the deck with sample port
- Spent grain auger with air actuated knife gate
- 2 20bbl kettle/whirlpool tanks
- Both tanks have upper and lower steam jackets
- Shared colandria that can be set to either kettle depending on needs
- Includes 2 25ft stainless vent stacks with 2 vent stack covers with grates.
- 60bbl CLT
- Automated fill as well as slow fill function
- 60bbl HLT
- Automated fill as well as slow fill function
- Heat Exchanger with automated knock out temp control
- Brew deck with two stair cases
- 6 automated steam valves
- HMI on the deck with back up HMI in case of emergencies.
- Rad 4 roller mill
- Control panel for Mill room
- Where Manufactured : USA
- Ships From : Wisconsin