Cole Chapman

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Used Product Ad posted 7 days ago in Bottles and Bottling Supplies by Cole Chapman

Selling a pallet of 80 12-pack cases of O-I 750ml WRT bottles.   $100 for the whole pallet

Used Product Ad posted 7 days ago in Pumps, Hoses, Clamps by Cole Chapman

Selling our two diaphragm pumps that are no longer needed. They have both been in use for about 3 years and are in good working order. They have been supplied compressed air with a refrigerated dryer and filters to ensure clean air was used at all times.   The smaller pump is a 12 gallon per minute polyurethane Versamatic pump, and the larger pump is a 35 gallon per minute aluminum Versamatic pump. Both were purchased from TCW Equipment, the 12 gallon link is below. The 35 gallon pump is no longer sold, but a similar pump is linked below.   Both are available for in-person pickup in Colorado Springs.   $100 - 12 GPM Versamatic Polyurethane pump $150 - 35 GPM Versamatic Aluminum pump

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