Efficient Self Distribution

Date / Time: Monday, April 20th, 2020 at 5:00 pm EDT - 5:50 pm EDT (add to calendar)
Event type: Event held online
Price: Free
Register / View: Efficient Self Distribution

Many breweries in 2020 have elected to distribute their beer to market themselves, at least in their home markets. Running a distributorship, however, is a very different business than running a brewery or taproom, and many owners don’t even know where to start. By learning some base principles, as well as some strategic considerations, and best practices, anyone can start thinking like a sales director.

Beginning with basic considerations of your scale and needs, the topic then moves into account categorization and prioritization. Best practices for sales personnel are also covered, as are tips and tricks for maximizing market impact. Brand differentiation, clear goals, written procedures, and accountability are all key concerns when it comes to selling and marketing your products

Speaker: Aaron Gore, Fresh Pitch Beverage Consulting

Bio: Aaron MJ Gore is the founder of Fresh Pitch Beverage Consulting, focusing on helping small and mid-sized breweries sell their products more effectively, more efficiently, and more strategically. With a decade of hands on experience selling beer across the US, he now provides his expertise to those aiming for a true and lasting impact in a market that is growing ever more competitive. He also acts as a staff writer for BeerCharlotte.com, as well as being a contributor to the Beer With Me Network on YouTube.

Part of the Craft Beer Professionals Virtual Conference – join the Craft Beer Professionals group on Facebook to stream. (requires a Facebook account and approval of your group membership to view event page).

Categories: Business of BeerConsumer SalesCraft Beer Professionals Virtual ConferenceDistribution

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