ProBrewer Expert Topic • Volume 2025, Issue 01

Beverage Ingredients – exploring the latest in raw ingredients

This month’s ProBrewer Expert Topic takes a deep dive into what’s new and innovative in the world of beverage ingredients used in the brewing process

 supported in part by Lallemand Brewing

Editor's Introduction to Beverage Ingredients – exploring the latest in raw ingredients

The craft brewing industry is evolving quickly, driven by creative new ideas in the industry and changing consumer needs. As the art of brewing evolves, so does the world of ingredients.

This month’s Expert Topic explores the latest trends, practical advice and what’s new in raw ingredients used by brewers, including best practices, the outlook for hops and barley in 2025, water issues and trends that are driving the industry forward.

Inside you will find articles on a diverse range of topics such as brewing with sake yeast, a look at the world hop and barley markets, exploring alternative brewing grains, understanding uncommon adjuncts and much more.

Want to discuss brewing ingredients with others in the industry? Strike up a conversation in Beverage Ingredients at the ProBrewer Discussion Boards.

Featured Articles in Beverage Ingredients – exploring the latest in raw ingredients

Preserving and Protecting Hops, For Today And the Future

Newly posted: Posted

Brewing with Non-alcoholic Specific Yeast

Posted: Posted

Publishing Soon

The following expert topic articles will be published later this month:

Flavored Malts that stand out in bringing layers to beers
Wood Alternatives: quick aging products available to the brewer

Hops and Climate Change

From the archive, posted: Posted

Exploring Alternative Brewing Grains

From the archive, posted: Posted

Drop In Brewery

Understanding Uncommon Adjuncts

From the archive, posted: Posted

Brewing with Dry Yeast

From the archive, posted: Posted

TTB Exempts 24 Brewing Ingredients from Formula and Approval Requirements 


The Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau (TTB) is expanding its list of exemptions from the formula requirements for brewery products made with certain ingredients by exempting 24 additional ingredients. The exemption of was in responds to two petitions filed by the Brewers Association (BA) requesting further exemptions from formula requirements. (more...)

Slow Beer Sales Causing Glut of Barley 


As beer sales continue to decline, demand for barley continues to decrease. The number of acres planted in the U.S. this year is reportedly down by 22% compared to last year. (more...)

World Hop Market Remains Oversupplied 


Despite a second year in a row of world hop acreage decline, hop production volume in crop year 2023 was higher year on year by 11.5%, according to a report just released from hop specialist BarthHaas. (more...)

Hop Acreage Down 18% in 2024 


Remember the dire days eight years ago when demand for hops outdid supply and many craft brewers were struggling to acquire the hops they needed? Not so today, as beer sales have flattened and hop growers are responding by planting fewer vines in the fields due to an expected oversupply of hops. (more...)

Getting To Know Your Local Maltster 


The popularity of local maltsters has exploded in recent years. Yet brewers still confess some trepidation over how to incorporate locally produced malts into their beer portfolios and brewing operations. We talk with Andrea Stanley, co-founder of Valley Malt in Hadley, Massachusetts, to explore the benefits of building a relationship with your local maltster.
(more…) (more...)

Four of the Best Ways to Deaerate Your Brewing Water, Depending on Your Budget 


If you worked as a brewer at Sierra Nevada Brewing circa 2005, you would have had the luxury of deaerating the brewing water with an expensive deaerating column to reduce the amount of dreaded dissolved oxygen (DO) in your cold side processes. (more...)

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