Pedigree: New Zealand “Smoothcone” and Californian Late Cluster x Fuggle
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: distinct characteristics – some brewers have noted blackberry and floral, or oak, tones
Alpha Acids: 13.5 – 15.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 – 9.0%
Co-Humulone: 37 – 40% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 33.3% of total oil
Humulene: 29.9% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 11.0% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Unlike other high alpha hops, Pacific Gem does not carry a punchy aroma
Possible Substitutions: Galena
Typical Beer Styles: Lager
Additional Information: Developed through the New Zealand Hort Research Institute and released in 1987