Sponsored Diversify Where You Pour With Pop-Up Bars with Chris Musil of Coldbreak + Justin Lynch of Arryved POS

Pop-up bars are a growing trend for modern breweries, and taking your taproom to-go is easy with todayโ€™s savvy jockey box and tech stack selection. But whatโ€™s the value of a taproom on wheels? Join Chris and Justin as they discuss how mobilizing your taproom is good for business:

– Diversify your market by taking business beyond your taproomโ€™s four walls

– Utilize a pop-up bar on premise to reduce lines and wait times

– Learn cost-effective ways to experiment with new concepts and ultimately increase revenue

– Get a list of the portable equipment and technology necessary to ensure perfect pours and exceptional service

Donโ€™t miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts about the latest way to boost your bottom line both within and beyond your taproom!

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