Category: Grain Storage and Handling Equipment
All aspects of malt handling in the brewhouse
Expert Topic Is a Wet Mill Right for your Brewery? A Chat with Scott Shirley at Lawson’s Finest Liquids
Wet milling remains one of those topics that brewers discuss but rarely encounter in the wild. Once solely the province of the largest craft brewers, in more recent years wet mills have become slightly more common but remain unusual to find in a smaller craft brewery.
Expert Topic Malt storage
Storage of malt on-site:
Malt has a low moisture content of around 3.5% – 5% and is therefore a relatively stable product. Typically regular 2-row malt can last 4 to 6 month (or even longer), darker malts or caramel malts are more sensitive especially as far as aroma thereof is concerned. The shelf life for the latter malts should be less than 3 months between 6 – 8 weeks would be optimal. In general malt needs to be stored dry without the possibility of moisture or water uptake; additional aeration, particular cooling or heating for malt (storage) should not be necessary.
Expert Topic Malt handling introduction
Every brewery should have a plan for what they’d like their malt handling flow to look like. There are many aspects to consider and a perfect solution isn’t always easy to come by. Malt handling and all that it entails is often times underestimated and often problems arise due to lack of proper planning and consideration. It is in the best interest of a brewery to find an optimal solution for their malt handling needs.