Category: Brewing Process and Theory
Expert Topic Brewing with Non-alcoholic Specific Yeast
As Dry January has firmly entered the consciousness, many brewers are looking to get involved in the category. It’s not easy and there are risks involved, but some companies are working to make it a bit easier for breweries of all sizes to at least experiment with recipes.
News The Rise of Athletic Brewing – Where it Started and Where Will it Go
Who would have thought? One of the most talked about beers in America doesn’t have alcohol. Athletic Brewing has become the king of the fastest growing segment in the alcohol beverage industry. And it all started here on ProBrewer.
Expert Topic Assessing Lab Needs, What You Need, What To Wish For
Starting a brewery is an exciting, nerve-wracking, whirlwind experience for many, with much of the focus on finding the perfect location, keeping costs down during buildout, and crafting recipes and brand identities. Breweries also need to keep an eye on beer quality as the competitive beer marketplace won’t support off-flavors and aromas for long. That means focusing efforts on critical but less visible operations, such as testing your brewery’s beer.
News BA Addresses Safety of Non-Alcoholic Draft Beer
The rising popularity of non-alcoholic beer has prompted many brewers to consider entering the category. But concerns have risen recently over the prospect that non-pasteurized beer without the natural protection of alcohol may be subject to the growth of pathogenic bacteria, and a significant health risk to consumers.
Expert Topic How Artificial Intelligence Can Help With Recipe Formulation, Naming Beers, and Beyond.
Human beings have dreamt of artificial intelligence (AI) for at least the better part of a century. Scientists, mathematicians, and philosophers imagined how machines and eventually computers and software could develop non-human intelligence to perform everything from basic to complicated tasks. The early thinkers probably never considered that brewers would one day use AI to create beer recipes.
Sponsored Fermentation Analysis – Understanding Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN)
Free Amino Nitrogen (FAN) is a critical parameter in beer analysis that leads to a healthy fermentation, and thus better beer quality. It is a measure of the concentration of amino acids and small peptides that are essential for yeast metabolism. In simpler terms, it is an indicator of the amount of food that is available for yeast, helping them convert sugar into alcohol during the brewing process more effectively.
Sponsored QC, Scheduling & Flexibility: Software Strategies for Success with Randy Smith of Vicinity Software
In the beginning of a brewery’s life span, the ownership and employees juggle several tasks and responsibilities across departments. Using the proper tool to store your data will take you a long way in your growth. But what you started using in the beginning may be missing the mark now.
Sponsored Increasing Brewery Efficiency and Beer Quality with Production Data with Brynn Keenan of Grist Analytics
Production data is one of the most under-utilized assets in craft brewing. With a relatively minor amount of work, this data can be used to increase throughput, efficiency, raw material extraction, and beer quality. Learn how to utilize your production data through statistical process control, and turn it into something valuable.
Sponsored Documenting Beer Flavor for the Professional Brewer
No matter how often we drink a beer, it’s not often we actually taste it. Our palates are the most critical instrument at our disposal, yet they are often underutilized or misused. How can you use lab techniques and instrumentation in conjunction with your senses to develop a quality assurance program for your brewery?
Expert Topic Hop Water: The Next Wave of NA
The wedding was mid-day, held outside, the sun was blaring, and I had a long drive home ahead of me. While those staying locally enjoyed round after round of craft lager and IPA, I sipped my Victory Pils before switching over to review the thoughtful non-alcoholic options available to guests. Among the sodas and sparkling seltzers, one option caught my eye and captured my attention for the next few hours: Lagunitas’ Hoppy Refresher.
Expert Topic Setting Up a QC Lab with Neva Parker of White Labs
My favorite part of any brewery tour is seeing the lab. It’s not that I’m a science nerd or even particularly conversant in what goes on in these scientific sanctuaries. A lab is a sign that a brewery takes quality serious enough to invest resources in pursuit of it.
Sponsored Using Fermentation Profiles to Improve Your Recipes with Pål Ingebrigtsen of PLAATO
Brewing is the perfect mix of science, creativity and craftsmanship. For many brewers, creating and improving on recipes, while maintaining a high quality product is a big part of their daily work. When brewers start to collect ongoing fermentation data across multiple batches over time, they can compare how small tweaks in the recipe or outside conditions can change the overall outcome of the fermentation.
Sponsored Making the Most of Your Malt with Riley Aadland of RMS Brewing Solutions
This presentation focuses on giving a deeper dive into an often times misunderstood and undervalued part of the brewing process – the grist. Preparing the grist for mash in is the first step in the brew day and is a vital part in ensuring that the system is as efficient as possible from the very beginning. We will talk about the tools needed to do a grist analysis, how to go about doing the grist analysis to get accurate results, interpreting those results, and what to do with the data once you have it.
News Brewers Publications Releases ‘Gluten-Free Brewing: Techniques, Processes, and Ingredients for Crafting Flavorful Beer’
No barley, no wheat, no rye? No problem! Gluten-Free Brewing: Techniques, Processes, and Ingredients for Crafting Flavorful Beer is the latest book release from Brewers Publications.
Expert Topic Mitch Ermatinger on Natural Wine – Is It a Fit For Your Brewery?
To hear wine folks tell it, craft beer and natural wine are kindred spirits. Both are quirky offshoots of the traditional beverage order, expand the flavor ranges beyond the ordinary, and remain a little difficult to define. In pushing beverage alcohol to new frontiers and places, there is an interplay between craft beer and natural wine, especially as beer increasingly mimics the flavors, aromas, and aesthetic of wine through barrel and wood aging, fruit and mixed culture fermentation, and other techniques.
Expert Topic Four of the Best Ways to Deaerate Your Brewing Water, Depending on Your Budget
If you worked as a brewer at Sierra Nevada Brewing circa 2005, you would have had the luxury of deaerating the brewing water with an expensive deaerating column to reduce the amount of dreaded dissolved oxygen (DO) in your cold side processes.