Category: Hops
Hops types and varieties
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Northdown
Pedigree: Seedling of Northern Brewer and a resistant German male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Pleasant spice, cedar and pine characteristics with hints of floral and berry flavors
Alpha Acids: 7.0 – 10.0%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 5.0%
Co-Humulone: 31% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.2 – 2.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 25% of total oil
Humulene: 37% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 15% of total oil
Farnesene: 1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent dual purpose hop that works well on its own, or in conjunction with an aroma variety
Possible Substitutions: Northern Brewer, UK Challenger
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Old Ale, Barley Wine, Porter
Additional Information: Released by Wye College in 1970; an “aunt” to both UK Challenger and UK Target
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Fuggle (UK)
Pedigree: A chance seedling raised in England
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Delicate and pleasant with mint, grass and floral tones
Alpha Acids: 3.5 – 6.5%
Beta Acids: 2.0 – 4.0%
Co-Humulone: 27 – 33% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.7 – 1.1 mL/100g
Myrcene: 25 – 30% of total oil
Humulene: 30 – 38% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 13.4% of total oil
Farnesene: 6 – 8% of total oil
General Trade Perception: The most revered and famous English hop, known for its full bodied flavor in traditional ales
Possible Substitutions: Styrian Golding, US Fuggle, Willamette
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian and English-style Ales, Bitter, ESB, Lager, Lambic, Porter
Additional Information: Once a predominant hop in England, now reserved for aroma use in conjunction with high alpha types
Expert Topic Hop Variety – First Gold
Pedigree: Cross pollination of the Whitbread Golding variety and a dwarf male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Slightly spicy, but smooth, with tangerine, orange marmalade, apricot, magnolia and floral flavors
Alpha Acids: 6.5 – 10.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 4.5%
Co-Humulone: 32 – 35% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.7 – 1.7 mL/100g
Myrcene: 30 – 38% of total oil
Humulene: 20% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6% of total oil
Farnesene: 1 – 3% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A versatile variety perfect for modern beer styles
Possible Substitutions: Crystal, UK East Kent Golding
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Bitter, ESB, Fruit Beers
Additional Information: First commercial dwarf hop designed for aroma consideration in England; released in 1996
Expert Topic Hop Variety – East Kent Golding
Pedigree: Developed by conal selection from 1790 on, starting from Canterbury Whitebine
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Smooth and delicate with floral, lavender, spice, honey, earth, lemon and thyme overtones
Alpha Acids: 4.0 – 6.0%
Beta Acids: 1.9 – 3.0%
Co-Humulone: 25 – 30% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.4 – 0.8 mL/100g
Myrcene: 25% of total oil
Humulene: 36% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 14.8% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A traditional English hop that has been used in kettle and dry hopping
Possible Substitutions: US Golding, UK Progress
Typical Beer Styles: English and Belgian-style Ales
Additional Information: Variety in Golding grown in East Kent
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Challenger
Pedigree: Granddaughter of Northern Brewer, lineage also includes Northdown and Target
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Cedar, green tea and sweet floral characteristics (as a late addition, it can provide crisp, fruity flavors)
Alpha Acids: 6.5 – 9.0%
Beta Acids: 3.2 – 4.2%
Co-Humulone: 20 – 25% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.0 – 1.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 30% of total oil
Humulene: 25% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9.5% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A versatile hop, widely used for both early and late kettle additions
Possible Substitutions: German Perle, Northern Brewer
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales, Barley Wine, Bitter, Brown Ale, ESB, Porter, Stout
Additional Information: Bred at Wye College and released in 1972 for commercial planting
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Bramling Cross
Pedigree: Cross between Bramling (a traditional Golding variety) and a Manitoban (Canadian) wild hop
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Strong spice, blackcurrant, loganberry and lemon characteristics
Alpha Acids: 6.0 – 8.0%
Beta Acids: 2.3 – 3.5%
Co-Humulone: 34% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.7 – 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 36% of total oil
Humulene: 25% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 15.7% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Often used in traditional cask conditioned beers due to its distinct characteristics
Possible Substitutions: UK Kent Golding, UK Progress
Typical Beer Styles: All styles
Additional Information: Developed at Wye College by Professor Salmon
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Boadicea
Pedigree: Open pollination of a second-generation female from a wild Japanese source
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Mild floral and spicy characteristics with slightly grassy overtones
Alpha Acids: 7.0 – 10.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 4.0%
Co-Humulone: 26% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.4 – 2.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 33% of total oil
Humulene: 20% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 19% of total oil
Farnesene: 5% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Excellent for finishing and dry hopping
Additional Information: Released in 2004 by Horticulture Research International at Wye College in the UK
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Admiral
Pedigree: Cross of Challenger and Northdown
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Pleasant, resinous hop aroma with hints of citrus (orange) and herbal flavors
Alpha Acids: 13.0 – 16.0%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 6.0%
Co-Humulone: 37 – 45% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.0 – 1.7 mL/100g
Myrcene: 45% of total oil
Humulene: 23 – 26% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 8% of total oil
Farnesene: 2% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A high alpha hop with balanced bitterness and an acceptable aroma profile; a versatile replacement for both high alpha and dual purpose varieties
Possible Substitutions: UK Challenger, UK Northdown, UK Target
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales
Additional Information: Bred at Wye to compliment the variety Target
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Styrian Golding
Pedigree: Conal selection of Fuggle, from Yugoslavia
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Very mild, noble hop flavor
Alpha Acids: 2.8 – 5.5%
Beta Acids: 2.0 – 3.0%
Co-Humulone: 25 – 30% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.3 – 1.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 27 – 33% of total oil
Humulene: 34 – 38% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 11% of total oil
Farnesene: 2 – 5% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A world-renowned aroma hop with widespread usage in both ale and lager brewing
Possible Substitutions: Styrian Bobek, US Fuggle, UK Fuggle
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian and English-style Ales, ESB, Lager, Pilsner
Additional Information: This variety is nearly identical to Fuggle
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Celeia
Pedigree: Triploid hybrid between Styrian Golding and 105/58 hybrid between Aurora (Super Styrian) and a Slovenian wild hop
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Pleasant and hoppy, similar to traditional European varieties
Alpha Acids: 3.0 – 6.0%
Beta Acids: 2.0 – 3.3%
Co-Humulone: 26 – 29% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.6 – 3.6 mL/100g
Myrcene: 26 – 35% of total oil
Humulene: 18 – 23% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 8 – 9% of total oil
Farnesene: 3 – 7% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A quality aroma variety with excellent bitterness and aroma characteristics
Possible Substitutions: Saaz, Styrian Bobek, Styrian Savijnski Golding
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales, ESB, Lager, Pilsner
Additional Information: Grown primarily in Slovenia.
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Bobek
Pedigree: Northern Brewer and a TG seedling of unknown origin
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Intense and pleasant with floral, pine and hop overtones
Alpha Acids: 3.5 – 7.0%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 6.1%
Co-Humulone: 27 – 31% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.7 – 4.0% mL/100g
Myrcene: 30 – 45% of total oil
Humulene: 13 – 19% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 4 – 6% of total oil
Farnesene: 4 – 7% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A world-renowned couplet with moderate bitterness
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales, ESB, Lager, Pilsner
Additional Information: Slovenian grown. Seedling selected by Dr. Tone Wagner in Zalec, Yugoslavia in the mid-1970s
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Aurora
Pedigree: Diploid cross between Northern Brewer and a TG seedling of unknown origin
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Intense and pleasant displaying floral, pine and hoppy characteristics
Alpha Acids: 7.0 – 9.5%
Beta Acids: 2.7 – 4.4%
Co-Humulone: 22 – 26% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.9 – 1.6 mL/100g
Myrcene: 20 – 25% of total oil
Humulene: 20 – 25% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 9% of total oil
Farnesene: 5 – 10% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Similar to Styrian Golding, but much lighter with hoppy aroma
Possible Substitutions: Styrian Bobek, Styrian Golding
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Additional Information: Sloviean grown. Also known as Super Styrian
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Wakatu
Pedigree: Bred from 2/3 Hallertau mf. and open pollination of 1/3 New Zealand derived male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Restrained floral notes and freshly zested lime
Alpha Acids: 6.5 – 8.5%
Beta Acids: 8.5%
Co-Humulone: 28 – 30% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 35.5% of total oil
Humulene: 16.8% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 8.2% of total oil
Farnesene: 6.7% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Complimented for its rounded flavor, moderate co-humulone, outstanding oil profile and rewarding finish
Typical Beer Styles: Lager
Additional Information: Released by Hort’s Riwaka Research Center in 1988
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Waimea
Pedigree: Granddaughter of Pacific Jade
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Intense tangelo and citrus fruit with subtle pine characteristics
Alpha Acids: 16.0 – 19.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 – 9.0%
Co-Humulone: 22 – 24% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 2.1 mL/100g
Myrcene: 60% of total oil
Humulene: 9.5% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 2.6% of total oil
Farnesene: 5% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Can be used across a wide variety of beer styles and applications
Possible Substitutions: Unknown
Typical Beer Styles: Imperial Lager, IPA
Additional Information: Released in 2012 from the New Zealand Plant and Food Research Hop Breeding Program in Riwaka
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Southern Cross
Pedigree: Cross between New Zealand “Smoothcone” and a 1950’s research variety bred from a crossing of an early North American type Cali with English Fuggle
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: A delicate balance of citrus and spice, including a heady mix of lemon peel and pine needles
Alpha Acids: 11.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 6.0%
Co-Humulone: 25 – 28% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 31.8% of total oil
Humulene: 20.8% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6.7% of total oil
Farnesene: 7.3% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Typically used in mainstream lagers, but finding favor in a variety of craft styles
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Additional Information: Released by New Zealand’s HortResearch Hop Breeding Program at Riwaka in 1994
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Riwaka
Pedigree: Bred from Old Line Saazer
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Powerful grapefruit and citrus characteristics
Alpha Acids: 4.5 – 6.5%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 5.0%
Co-Humulone: 36% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 68% of total oil
Humulene: 9.0% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 4.0% of total oil
Farnesene: 1.0% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Typically employed as a traditional Saazer variety, but has developed its own punch and zeal as a late addition in new-world Pale Ale styles
Possible Substitutions: Saaz, Sterling
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian-style Ales, Lager, Pale Ale, Pilsner
Additional Information: Bred as part of the “hops with a difference program” and released by Hort Research Riwaka Hop Research Centre in 1997
Expert Topic Hop Variety – \Rakau
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Fresh orchard fruits, specifically apricot, with some resinous, pine needle characteristics
Alpha Acids: 10.0 – 11.0%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 6.0%
Co-Humulone: 24% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 2.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 56% of total oil
Humulene: 16.3% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 5.2% of total oil
Farnesene: 4.5% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Well suited for new world styles where brash fruity character and big, but well constructed, bitterness are desired
Possible Substitutions: Amarillo®, Summit™
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, ESB, Lager, Pale Ale
Additional Information: Released from the New Zealand Hop breeding program
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Pacifica
Pedigree: Open pollination of Hallertau mf.
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Classic Hallertau character with some citrus and floral notes
Alpha Acids: 5.0 – 6.0%
Beta Acids: 6.0%
Co-Humulone: 25% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 12.5% of total oil
Humulene: 50.9% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 16.7% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A blend of old-world and new-world tastes for application in a variety of beer styles
Possible Substitutions: Hallertau mf.
Typical Beer Styles: IPA, Lager, Pale Ale
Additional Information: Late additions bring characteristics of orange marmalade, while early additions yield soft, yet solid bittering qualities
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Pacific Jade
Pedigree: Cross of New Zealand First Choice (relative of Late Cluster) and an Old Line Saazer male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Bold, herbal aromas with hints of fresh citrus and crushed black pepper
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 – 8.0%
Co-Humulone: 24% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.4 mL/100g
Myrcene: 33.3% of total oil
Humulene: 32.9% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 10.2% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Delivers soft bitterness with desirable aroma; well suited for “up-front” additions in dry Lager styles
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Additional Information: Released from the New Zealand Hop Research Program by Hort Research Centre Riwaka in 2004
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Pacific Gem
Pedigree: New Zealand “Smoothcone” and Californian Late Cluster x Fuggle
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: distinct characteristics – some brewers have noted blackberry and floral, or oak, tones
Alpha Acids: 13.5 – 15.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 – 9.0%
Co-Humulone: 37 – 40% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 33.3% of total oil
Humulene: 29.9% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 11.0% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Unlike other high alpha hops, Pacific Gem does not carry a punchy aroma
Possible Substitutions: Galena
Typical Beer Styles: Lager
Additional Information: Developed through the New Zealand Hort Research Institute and released in 1987
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Nelson Sauvin
Pedigree: Cross between New Zealand “Smoothcone” and a selected New Zealand male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Distinct cool climate and white wine “fruitiness” with fresh crushed gooseberry and grape
infused flavors
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 13.0%
Beta Acids: 6.0 – 8.0%
Co-Humulone: 24% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.1 mL/ 100g
Myrcene: 22.2% of total oil
Humulene: 36.4% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 10.7% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent dual purpose hop that can be used to produce a punch or subtle bittering qualities
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Pale Ale, American-style India Pale Ale, Super Premium
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Motueka
Pedigree: Cross between 2/3 New Zealand breeding selection and 1/3 Saazer parentage
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Lively lemon and lime tones with hints of tropical fruit
Alpha Acids: 6.5 – 8.5%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 5.5%
Co-Humulone: 29% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 0.8 mL/ 100g
Myrcene: 47.7% of total oil
Humulene: 3.6% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 2.0% of total oil
Farnesene: 12.2% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent variety for single hop bills with multiple applications
Possible Substitutions: Saaz, Sterling
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Pilsner, Lager
Additional Information: Offers unique aroma and flavor from first kettle additions through dry hopping
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Green Bullet
Pedigree: Open cross pollination of the New Zealand “Smoothcone” variety
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Subtle spiciness
Alpha Acids: 11.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 6.5 – 7.0%
Co-Humulone: 41 – 43% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.1 mL/100g
Myrcene: 38.3% of total oil
Humulene: 28.2% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9.2% of total oil
Farnesene: 0.3% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Typically used in Lagers, but carries the Styrian characteristic of subtle spiciness that is perfect for a Stout; works well when included with finishing varieties such as Fuggle and Willamette
Typical Beer Styles: Bitter, Lager, Dry Stout
Additional Information: Contains high levels of oil that compliment and balance the very traditional resinous hop character
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Dr. Rudi
Pedigree: Derived from New Zealand Smoothcone
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Fresh citrus peel, pine and lemongrass flavors
Alpha Acids: 10 – 12%
Beta Acids: 7 – 8.5%
Co-Humulone: 33 – 36% of alpha acids
Total Oil: 1.3 mL/100g
Myrcene: 29.2% of total oil
Humulene: 33.2% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 10.1% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Delivers a quality, crisp, bitter edge with fine aroma characteristics; often used to balance regional ales and lagers
Possible Substitutions: Unknown
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Additional Information: Formerly known as Super Alpha