Category: Hops
Hops types and varieties
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Mt. Rainier
Pedigree: Complex parentage including Hallertau, Galena and Fuggle
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Excellent floral and noble aromas with citrus and licorice overtones
Alpha Acids: 5.0 – 8.1%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 7.0%
Co-Humulone: 21 – 24% of alpha acids
Storage Stability:
Total Oil: 0.2 – 0.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: ~29% of total oil
Humulene: ~30% of total oil
Caryophyllene: ~9.5% of total
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Similar to Hallertau but with more bittering strength
Possible Substitutions: Brewer’s Gold, Fuggle, Hallertau
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, Lager, Pilsner
Additional Information: Bred at Oregon State University
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Mt. Hood
Pedigree: Triploid seedling of German Hallertau mf. and a half sister to Ultra, Liberty and Crystal
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild, herbal and somewhat pungent or spicy
Alpha Acids: 4.0 – 8.0%
Beta Acids: 5.0 – 7.5%
Co-Humulone: 22 – 27% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~55% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.6 – 3.4 mL/100g
Myrcene: 30 – 40% of total oil
Humulene: 30 – 38% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 13 – 16% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An aroma hop variety with similarities to German Hallertau and German Hersbrucker
Possible Substitutions: French Strisselspalt, German Hallertau, German Hersbrucker
Typical Beer Styles: Altbier, Bock, Helles, Lager, Pilsner, Wheat
Additional Information: Released from the USDA breeding program in Oregon in 1989
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Mosaic
Pedigree: Daughter of Simcoe
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: A complex array of tropical fruit, citrus, berry, herbal, earth and pine characteristics
Alpha Acids: 11.5 – 13.5%
Beta Acids: 3.2 – 3.9%
Co-Humulone: 24 – 26% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~75% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.0 – 1.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 47 – 53% of total oil
Humulene: 13 – 16% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 5.2 – 7.8% of total oil
Farnesene: 0% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent aroma variety
Possible Substitutions: No known substitutes
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, IPA, Pale Ale
Additional Information: Released in 2012 by the Hop Breeding Company
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Millennium
Pedigree: Descendant of Nugget
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Mild and resinous with floral and herbal tones
Alpha Acids: 14.5 – 16.5%
Beta Acids: 4.3 – 5.3%
Co-Humulone: 28 – 32% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~76% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.8 – 2.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 30 – 40% of total oil
Humulene: 23 – 27% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 12% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Closely resembles Columbus and Nugget
Possible Substitutions: Columbus, Nugget, Summit™
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Barley Wine, Stout
Additional Information: Released in 2000
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Magnum (US)
Pedigree: Cross between Galena and a German male
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: No distinct aroma characteristics
Alpha Acids: 10.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 4.5 – 7.0%
Co-Humulone: 24 – 30% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: Very Good
Total Oil: 1.9 – 3.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 30 – 35% of total oil
Humulene: 35 – 40% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 8 – 12% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Generally accepted as a clean bittering hop for ales and lagers
Possible Substitutions: Columbus, German Magnum, Horizon, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Additional Information: Bred in 1980 at the German Hop Research Institute in Hüll, Germany
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Liberty
Pedigree: Cross between a tetraploid female hop cultivar, Hallertau mf., and a downy mildew resistant male; half sister to Ultra, Mt. Hood and Crystal
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild, yet spicy, characteristics with subtle lemon and citrus tones
Alpha Acids: 3.0 – 5.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 4.0%
Co-Humulone: 24 – 30% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: 35 – 40% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.6 – 1.8 mL/100g
Myrcene: 20 – 40% of total oil
Humulene: 35 – 40% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 12% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Closely resembles Hallertau mf.
Possible Substitutions: Hallertau, Mt. Hood, German Tradition
Typical Beer Styles: Bock, Kölsch, Lager, Pilsner, Wheat
Additional Information: Developed in 1983 at Oregon State University and released in 1991
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Horizon
Pedigree: Half sister of Nugget; lineage includes Brewer’s Gold and Early Green
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Pleasant and spicy with floral characteristics
Alpha Acids: 11.0 – 13.0%
Beta Acids: 6.5 – 8.5%
Co-Humulone: 16 – 19% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: Average to Good
Total Oil: 1.5 – 2.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 55 – 65% of total oil
Humulene: 11 – 13% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 7 – 9% of total oil
Farnesene: 2 – 4% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A dual purpose variety with low co-humulone and high myrcene
Possible Substitutions: Magnum
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, Lager
Additional Information: Developed in Oregon in 1970 and released in 1997
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Hallertau Mittelfrüh
Pedigree: Traditional landrace variety
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild and pleasant, yet spicy, with herbal and floral characteristics
Alpha Acids: 3.5 – 5.5%
Beta Acids: 3.5 – 5.5%
Co-Humulone: 18 – 25% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: 18 – 24% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.6 – 1.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 35 – 44% of total oil
Humulene: 30 – 38% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 10 – 12% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A classic noble variety
Possible Substitutions: German Hallertau, Liberty, German Magnum, German Merkur, Mt. Hood, German Taurus, German Tradition.
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian-style Ales, Altbier, Helles, Lager, Kölsch, Pilsner, Wheat
Additional Information: Limited acreage in the United States
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Golding
Pedigree: East Kent Golding
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild and delicate with sweet floral characteristics
Alpha Acids: 4.0 – 6.0%
Beta Acids: 2.0 – 3.0%
Co-Humulone: 20 – 25% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~66% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.4 – 1.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 25 – 35% of total oil
Humulene: 35 – 45% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 13 – 16% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Popular among ale breweries in the United States
Possible Substitutions: Fuggle, Styrian Golding, UK East Kent Golding, Willamette
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian and English-style Ales, Barley Wine, Bitter
Additional Information: Golding hops consist of a group of traditional English aroma varieties which have been cultivated since 1790
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Glacier
Pedigree: Offspring of Elsasser
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Pleasant hop aroma
Alpha Acids: ~5.5%
Beta Acids: ~8.2%
Co-Humulone: 11 – 13% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~72% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.7 – 1.6 mL/100g
Myrcene: 33 – 62% of total oil
Humulene: 24 – 36% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 10% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent dual purpose variety with well balanced bittering properties and a pleasant aroma profile
Possible Substitutions: Fuggle, Styrian Golding, Willamette
Typical Beer Styles: ESB, English-style Pale Ale, Porter, Stout
Additional Information: Released as a public variety by Dr. Stephen Kenny of Washington State University in 2000
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Columbus
Pedigree: A descendant of Nugget
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Pungent black pepper and licorice characteristics with subtle citrus overtones
Alpha Acids: 14.0 – 16.0%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 5.0%
Co-Humulone: 30 – 35% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~52% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.5 – 2.0 mL/100g
Myrcene: 40 – 50% of total oil
Humulene: 12 – 18% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 11% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Excellent for dry hopping
Possible Substitutions: Chinook, Galena, Millennium, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: Barley Wine, Lager, IPA, Pale Ale, Stout
Additional Information: Part of “CTZ” with Tomahawk and Zeus
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Columbia
Pedigree: A descendant of Fuggle and sister selection of Willamette
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Subtle earth and mild fruit tones
Alpha Acids: 6.8 – 11.5%
Beta Acids: 2.9 – 5.6%
Co-Humulone: ~40% of alpha acids after 6 months
Storage Stability: Very good
Total Oil: 0.5 – 1.6 mL/100g
Myrcene: ~54.6% of total oil
Humulene: ~16.7% of total oil
Caryophyllene: ~7.3% of total oil
Farnesene: ~4.1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Aroma characteristics are similar to Fuggle
Possible Substitutions: Fuggle
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Falconer’s Flight 7C’s
Pedigree: A pellet blend comprised of seven “C” hops and additional experimental varieties
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Strong fruit and citrus characteristics with layers of spicy earth overtones
Alpha Acids: 8.5 – 10.5%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 6.0%
Co-Humulone: 28 – 31% of alpha acids
Storage Stability:
Total Oil: 0.5 – 1.15 mL/100g
General Trade Perception: A great addition/alternative to any IPA or Pale Ale style beer; generally used for flavor
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, IPA, Imperial IPA, Pale Ale
Additional Information: Developed by Hopunion in 2011
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Galena
Pedigree: Open pollination of Brewer’s Gold
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Spicy, blackcurrant and citrus (grapefruit) tones
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 7.0 – 9.0%
Co-Humulone: 37 – 42% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~79% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.9 – 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 55 – 60% of total oil
Humulene: 10 – 13% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 4 – 6% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Excellent high alpha variety with balanced bittering and aroma characteristics; mainly used for bittering, but finding favor as a dual purpose variety
Possible Substitutions: Brewer’s Gold, Columbus, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: American and English-style Ales
Additional Information: Developed in the USDA breeding program in Idaho in 1968 and released in 1978
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Fuggle (US)
Pedigree: A chance seedling
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild wood and fruit characteristics
Alpha Acids: 4.0 – 5.5%
Beta Acids: .5 – 2.0%
Co-Humulone: 25 – 32% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: 60 – 65% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.7 – 1.2 mL/100g
Myrcene: 40 – 50% of total oil
Humulene: 20 – 26% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 10% of total oil
Farnesene: 4 – 5% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A traditional English-type variety
Possible Substitutions: Styrian Golding, UK Fuggle, Willamette
Typical Beer Styles: English-style Ales, English Bitter, ESB, Lager, Lambic, Porter
Additional Information: Said have been found in 1861 in England by Richard Fuggle. A parent of Cascade
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Falconer’s Flight
Pedigree: A pellet blend from Hop Union containing a variety of the Pacific Northwest aroma hop varieties and additional experimental hops
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Distinct tropical, floral, lemon and grapefruit characteristics
Alpha Acids: 10.0 – 12.0%
Beta Acids: 4.0 – 5.0%
Co-Humulone: 20 – 25% of alpha acids
Storage Stability:
Total Oil:
General Trade Perception: An excellent compliment to many IPA and Pale Ale oriented hop varieties; almost exclusively used as a dry hop
Typical Beer Styles: Designed for Pale Ales and IPAs, but has found favor in a variety of beer styles
Additional Information: Developed by Hopunion LLC in 2010
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Eroica
Pedigree: Open pollination cross of Brewer’s Gold
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Forward fruit flavors
Alpha Acids: 7.3 – 14.9%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 5.3%
Co-Humulone: ~40% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~77% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: ~0.9 mL/100g
Myrcene: 55 – 65% of total oil
Humulene: 0 – 1% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 7 – 13% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A suitable hop variety for dark beers and American-style Ales
Possible Substitutions: Brewer’s Gold, Bullion, Galena, Glacier
Typical Beer Styles: Amber Ale, Bitter, IPA, Pale Ale, Porter, Stout
Additional Information: A retro variety with acreage that has steadily declined in favor of Galena
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Crystal
Pedigree: Triploid variety from German Hallertau Mittelfruh, Cascade, Brewer’s Gold and Early Green
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Mild, spicy and floral
Alpha Acids: 3.5 – 5.5%
Beta Acids: 4.5 – 6.7%
Co-Humulone: 20 – 26% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~50% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.8 – 2.1 mL/100g
Myrcene: 40 – 65% of total oil
Humulene: 18 – 24% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 4 – 8% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: The most pungent of the triploid Hallertau hops
Possible Substitutions: German Hersbrucker, Hallertau, Liberty, Mt. Hood, French Strisselspalt
Typical Beer Styles: Belgian-style Ales, ESB, IPA, Kölsch, Lager, Pilsner
Additional Information: Released from the USDA breeding program in 1993
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Comet
Pedigree: Open pollination
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: A pungent “wild American” aroma
Alpha Acids: 9.4 – 12.4%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 6.1%
Co-Humulone: 40 – 45% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: Very good
Total Oil: 1.4 – 3.3 mL/100g
Myrcene: 40 – 65% of total oil
Humulene: 1 – 2% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 5 – 7% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Contains a “wild American” aroma that can be objectionable to some brewers
Possible Substitutions: Galena
Typical Beer Styles: Ale, Lager
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Cluster
Pedigree: Unknown – suggested hybridization of continental varieties and indigenous male hops
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Strong floral and spicy characteristics
Alpha Acids: 5.5 – 8.5%
Beta Acids: 4.5 – 5.5%
Co-Humulone: 36 – 42% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~84% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 0.4 – 0.8 mL/100g
Myrcene: 45 – 55% of total oil
Humulene: 15 – 18% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 7% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: An excellent dual purpose variety with balanced bittering and aroma potential
Possible Substitutions: Galena
Typical Beer Styles: Ale (aroma), Lager (bittering), Stout; often used
in the reproduction of historical styles
Additional Information: At one time Cluster accounted for about 80 percent of hop production in the United States
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Citra
Pedigree: Comprised of Hallertau Mittelfruh, US Tettnang, Brewer’s Gold and East Kent Golding
Brewing Usage: Aroma
Aroma: Strong citrus and tropical tones of grapefruit,
melon, lime, gooseberry, passionfruit and lychee
Alpha Acids: 11.0 – 13.0%
Beta Acids: 3.5 – 4.5%
Co-Humulone: 22 – 24% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~75% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 2.2 – 2.8 mL/100g
Myrcene: 60 – 65% of total oil
Humulene: 11 – 13% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 6 – 8% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Excellent for dry hopping
Possible Substitutions: Unknown
Typical Beer Styles: IPA, Imperial IPA, Pale Ale
Additional Information: Developed by the Hop Breeding Company and released in 2007
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Chinook
Pedigree: Cross between Petham Golding and a high alpha USDA male
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Distinct, medium intense spice and pine characteristics with subtle notes of grapefruit
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 14.0%
Beta Acids: 3.0 – 4.0%
Co-Humulone: 29 – 34% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: 65 – 70% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.5 – 2.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 35 – 40% of total oil
Humulene: 20 – 25% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 11% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: A high alpha hop with acceptable aroma
Possible Substitutions: Columbus, Northern Brewer, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, Barley Wine, IPA, Lager,
Pale Ale, Porter, Stout
Additional Information: Increasingly popular among craft brewers; released in 1985
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Chelan
Pedigree: Daughter of Galena
Brewing Usage: Bittering
Aroma: Mild floral and citrus characteristics
Alpha Acids: 12.0 – 14.5%
Beta Acids: 8.5 – 9.8%
Co-Humulone: 33 – 35% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: ~80% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.5 – 1.9 mL/100g
Myrcene: 45 – 55% of total oil
Humulene: 12 – 15% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 9 – 12% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Similar to Galena but with higher alpha acids
Possible Substitutions: Galena, Nugget
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales
Additional Information: Developed by the John I. Haas, Inc. breeding company and released in 1994
Expert Topic Hop Variety – Centennial
Pedigree: Derived from ¾ Brewer’s Gold and contributions
of Fuggle, East Kent Golding and others
Brewing Usage: Dual Purpose
Aroma: Medium intense floral and citrus (lemon) tones
Alpha Acids: 9.5 – 11.5%
Beta Acids: 3.5 – 4.5%
Co-Humulone: 28 – 30% of alpha acids
Storage Stability: 60 – 65% alpha remaining after 6 months
Total Oil: 1.5 – 2.5 mL/100g
Myrcene: 45 – 60% of total oil
Humulene: 10 – 18% of total oil
Caryophyllene: 4 – 8% of total oil
Farnesene: <1% of total oil
General Trade Perception: Very balanced, often called a super Cascade
Possible Substitutions: Cascade, possibly Chinook or Columbus
Typical Beer Styles: American-style Ales, IPA, Wheat
Additional Information: Bred in 1974 and released in 1990