Category: Legal Services
Sponsored The Art of Collaboration: How to Successfully Partner with a Non-Profit with Chris Geib
The Brewing Industry has always been entrenched in the community, supporting causes by what they do best – bringing people together and making great beer! But is it always beneficial for the brewery and industry partners?
Expert Topic Selling Your Brewery – Three Paths to Consider with Jason Sleeman of Craft Beverage Lending
When the time to retire arrives and the conditions are right, a brewery owner must decide what to do with the company. In some cases they can simply decide to close the doors, sell the equipment and walk away, living happily in consumers’ minds as a memory. In other instances a decision is made to sell the business.
Expert Topic The ABC’s of Trademark Law With Attorney Mark Traphage
With nearly 10,000 breweries operating in the United States, and countless beer brands available, trying to come up with an original beer name has never been more challenging. Knowing some basics about trademark law and how to protect your brands is no longer the province solely of larger breweries but all craft brewers.
Expert Topic Nano Brewery Basics
The term “nano brewery” may be a fairly recent addition to the craft brewing lexicon, but the concept of small breweries with a pint-sized brew length is nothing new. Although Anchor Brewing in San Francisco might be considered the first American craft brewery, it was New Albion Brewing of Sonoma, Calif., that showed other entrepreneurs they could build a brewery from the ground up. New Albion opened in 1976 using a 55-gallon brewing system.
Expert Topic Self-distribution versus using a distributor – off-site draft sales for breweries
The following article was posted on Feb. 18, 2015. It has been reviewed and updated as necessary by the ProBrewer editorial staff. Footnotes have been included where updated content has been added.