Category: Sustainability
Expert Topic Changing Your Corporate Culture: Promoting Sustainable Practices In Your Brewery
Sustainability once felt like a New Age concept, one uttered by the impractical with little appreciation for the logistical challenges facing businesses. Those days are coming to an end as brewers acknowledge the impacts of climate change on their businesses are serious and require substantial efforts to combat.
Expert Topic Understanding Your Water Footprint and its Impact on the Climate
When it comes to sustainability, one issue rises above all others: water usage. Without water, there is no beer. And as any brewer knows, water doesn’t just comprise more than 90-percent of the final product, it’s also used in nearly every step of production. Cold water cools down wort, hot water cleans and sanitizes equipment, water rinses floors and bottles and cans after filling. All the way down to employee hand washing and rinsing glasses in the tasting room, water is ubiquitous.
Expert Topic Implementing A Brewery Recycling Program with Dave Morgan of SingleSpeed Brewing
Long before SingleSpeed Brewing Company opened its second location inside of a once abandoned Wonder Bread factory in 2017, founder Dave Morgan had been thinking of ways to reduce the brewery’s carbon footprint and focus on recycling and sustainability.
News BA Provides Tips on How to Save Energy (and Money) in the Brewery
Based on 5 years of benchmarking data collected, the Brewers Association has found that electricity is the greatest utility cost per barrel packaged, no matter the size of the brewery. Although the price of electricity can’t be controlled, there are many small, low cost best practices that you can control to use less electricity – and save money.
Expert Topic How Utah Turned Leftover Low-ABV Beer into Natural Gas
After Utah’s recent “Big Dump”, when 275 cases of bottles and cans were taken from a warehouse in Salt Lake City to Wasatch Resource Recovery and all 275 cases—almost $18,000 worth of now-discontinued beer—were poured out.
According to the Salt Lake Tribune, the sad situation was necessary, because the beer could no longer be sold after the law change. Instead, its aluminum cans and glass bottles were emptied and recycled. The beer itself went into an aerobic digester, where it will eventually be turned into natural gas or used as fertilizer.
“If you can’t buy it and you can’t drink it, this is the best place for it,” the facility’s sustainability manager Morgan Bowerman told the Tribune.
Expert Topic BA Releases New Sustainability Benchmarking Tool
Since 2015 the Brewers Association has tracking from its members their resource use on a voluntary online data collection portal. The data collected has since been used to develop industry benchmarking reports, which allow brewers to compare their efficiency with other breweries in their region and with breweries of similar production volume around the U.S.