About Classified Ads

Welcome to ProBrewer Classified Ads!

The ProBrewer classified area is the largest resource of its kind. Tens of thousands of brewery professionals around the world browse these ads each month. Posting an ad on ProBrewer is highly effective, affordable, and easy to use.

The classified ads of ProBrewer, created specifically for beverage industry professionals, are 100% advertiser supported. Posting ads is free of charge to professional beverage producers and extremely affordable to equipment, service, and supplies providers.

Our classified ad system offers the opportunity to post:

  • Equipment for sale, new and used, and equipment wanted ads
  • Real estate, business sales, and investment opportunities
  • Brewing supplies
  • Industry-specific services offered and needed

Posting ads is free of charge to professional beverage producers with the following exceptions:

  • Used barrel sales to the brewing industry from spirits, wine, or cider industries.
  • Ads where the identity of the business is concealed.
  • Side business ads for products or services sold to the brewing industry.
  • New equipment ads – If excess equipment was purchased to fill up a container or to achieve a better deal there is a fee to post this new equipment.
  • Selling equipment for others – equipment you are selling for others under contract or for a commission/fee.

All vendors, those who offer services, and those outside the community of professional beverage producers will be required to pay a fee to post classified ads.

Classified Ad Fees

Professional Beverage Producer – Free; 30 day renewable ads
Vendor / Unaffiliated / Services Offered – $99 – 30 day renewable ads

Advertising packages that include classified ads are available. Please contact sales at sales@probrewer.com for more information about the advertising opportunities ProBrewer has to offer.

How to view, search, and respond to ads

View the latest ads:
– Click on “Classified Ads” link in ProBrewer navigation bar or click the “Latest Ads” menu item to view the latest ads

Search the ads:
– Click the “Search Ads” menu item in the Classified Ads drop down menu.
– Enter the search term (example: Crowler)
– Restrict the search by category, if needed
– Click the Search button to view the latest ads that match the search terms

Browse ads by category:
– Click the “Ads by Category” menu item in the Classified Ads drop down menu.
– Choose the category to view

Responding to an ad:There are two ways to respond to a classified ad.
– If provided by the ad poster, contact details section of the ad will show information from the ad poster with ways to respond.
– Alternately, fill in the “Contact this listing owner” to send an email directly to the ad poster.

Submitting a classified ad to ProBrewer Classifieds

Posting a classified ad on ProBrewer requires an account on ProBrewer.com. You will be directed to login or create an account when you first select the option to post an ad.

Placing your first ProBrewer classified ad:

1) Select the “Post an Ad” option from the Classifieds menu on the ProBrewer.com navigation bar — or click the “Post an Ad” button on most classified ads pages.

2) Login or Create a ProBrewer.com account:

Create an account – If you don’t have a ProBrewer.com user account click on “Create an account

After setting up your initial profile make sure to go into your profile by clicking the “gear” icon and complete the profile with the name of your company, location, website, and further customize your profile. Vendors who register as a brewery run the risk of a permanent ban from our publication.

Login to your account – If you already have a user account click login and enter your user name and password.

3) Go to “Post an Ad.”

– Choose the category for the equipment you plan to sell.
– Input title and body text.
– Add up to 6 pictures with your ad — inclusion of pictures, equipment dimensions, brand names and model numbers will save a lot of email back and forth with potential buyers.
– Enter contact details — these will only be shown to logged in users.
– Optional: add in a video link to a YouTube or Vimeo hosted video
– Click “Place Listing”

4) The next step is the pricing step. A little more about how we set pricing:

Basically, posting ads are free to members of the beverage production industry as long as they aren’t commercial sales. Have extra equipment or hops you want to sell, that ad is free to post. Offering service or new equipment for sale in bulk to the industry, that is a paid ad.

More examples:
Free: Beverage industry members selling used equipment (includes closed breweries if owner is selling)
Paid: Vendors – New or Used Broker that is selling somebody’s used equipment
Paid: Manufacturer / reseller that is selling new equipment
Paid: Unaffiliated seller of their own equipment (homebrewer, auction house, etc.)
Paid: Services Offered – selling services to the industry

When posting the ad you will be responsible for choosing the proper price (free or paid) — we trust you. But note that we will correct you if you are wrong. If you have any questions about what is a free ad versus a paid ad, please get in touch.

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